On the occasion of World AIDS Day, a health education and skit was organised by Department of Public Healt  Dentistry, Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University in association with ICPA, on 1st December 2021 at Garima Greh, Sakha, Sunderpada, Odisha.

A team of 22 members reached the destination at 11am.The faculties in charge Dr.Vinay S. ,Dr.Kunal Jha, Phd Scholar Dr.Arpita Singh were welcomed by the members of Garima Greh after which awareness skit on AIDS was delivered by the intern  and Post graduates Dr.Payal, Dr.Priyanka, Dr.Samikshya, Dr.Yagnaseni and Dr.Aseema to the transgenders. Dr.Samikshya instructed about the proper tooth‑brushing technique with the help of a toothbrushing model ,maintenance of oral hygiene methods and several ora  manifestations of AIDS.

After the health education, chief guest, Mrs Meera Parida ,social activist was felicitated by Dr.Kunal and vote of thank  was given by Dr.Vinay S. Mrs Meera madam addressed the target population about the various aspects of AIDS such as its causes, effects and prevention after the transgenders were also offered with samples of various mouthwashes and toothpastes.

A rally was also organised from Infocity chowk to Sai International school, Patia by the interns and Post graduates under the supervision of Dr.Kunal , Dr.Arpita and Dr.Sovesh.Slogans inspired from this years theme “End Inequalities.End AIDS.” were called out.

COORDINATORS‑ Dr.Vinay S,  Dr.Kunal Jha, Dr.Arpita Singh, PhD Scholar. Department of Public Health Dentistry, coordinated this activity under the able guidance of Dr.Jugajyoti Pathi, Assistant Director and Dr.Ashwini Kar, Principal.