Following the philosophy of the “Art of Giving” initiated by our Founder, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, an initiative was led by Dr. Jugajyoti Pathi [Director (Administration)] and, Principal Dr. Aswini Kumar Kar, on National Tooth brushing Day. The department of Public Health Dentistry of Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, under the guidance of Dr. Ipseeta Menon (HOD and Professor), organized a screening camp on 7th November 2023 at the Strawberry Kids preschool, Bhubaneswar.

A tooth brushing demonstration initiative was undertaken among preschool children. Using models and AV aids, the postgraduate trainees demonstrated the proper teeth brushing techniques to them. Along with comprehensive oral hygiene instructions, oral health education was provided, emphasising the value of a healthy primary dentition, a balanced diet, and the early detection and treatment of dental caries. They were even asked to enact how they should brush their teeth after instructions were provided to them. After a brief introduction we provided the children with sheets and colour pencils and a drawing competition was held on “importance of tooth brushing” and the best received prizes. Teachers were also encouraged to monitor the children’s dental brushing habits and to stress the need of eating a balanced diet. A screening for oral problems was conducted, and after getting the parents’ consent, more appointments were planned to administer the necessary medications.